Electric and Shared Mobility Services
Campus E-Vehicle Policy
菠菜网lol正规平台 is a designated dismount zone for electric and motorized scooters, electric skate boards and electric bicycles. In accordance with campus and state regulations, electric and motorized scooters, skate boards and bicycles may be used to travel to campus, but they must be left at the established drop off zones located on the campus perimeter, or in the bicycle enclosures. Personally owned electric scooters, skate boards, and bikes may not be carried inside academic buildings. This is a fire code violation.
Electronic and motorized scooters, skate boards and bicycles left unattended on campus will be considered abandoned and subject to impound. Persons violating campus policy may be cited under California Vehicle Code (CVC) 21225, 21235, and other applicable CVC regulations and as a violation of student conduct.
**This regulation does not impact electric mobility for ADA purposes.
Scooter Share
Shared E-Scooters are provided by various companies in San Jose. Please note that you must possess a valid California driver's license to ride an e-scooter in San Jose. It is also illegal to ride a scooter on sidewalks. E-scooters may not be ridden on campus at 菠菜网lol正规平台, and all of these companies use a geofence to remotely shut scooters down when they enter the university.
菠菜网lol正规平台 Scooter Parking Locations [pdf]
Bikeshare in Santa Clara County is provided by BayWheels, which is owned and operated by Lyft. Rentals include single trips, or monthly and annual memberships. For more information on special BayWheels deals for students and employees, please visit Exclusive Offers.