Career Resources for Engineering
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菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center provides career guidance and development for all 菠菜网lol正规平台 students and alumni including Career Fairs, Career Resources, advice for International Students, Diversity and Inclusion, and more.
Special Career Events
- Career Fairs and Events
- Register on Handshake
- Graduate & Professional Programs Fair
- Network with recruiters, gather information about research and Ph.D. program options, and ask questions in an informal setting.
- Virtual Job/Internship Fairs
- Register on Handshake
- Career Crunch Weeks
- Refer to the CoE Student Newsletter (emailed weekly) and the Canvas course "Your Journey to Career Readiness @菠菜网lol正规平台Engineering" for details about specific events.
Career Resources for Engineers
- Canvas courses and modules, based on career development and design theories:
- ENG - Your Journey to Career Readiness (YJ2CR): Three modules review fundamentals of self-assessment, transferable skills building, and job and internship search.
- Internship Ready: Three modules to help you prepare for, find, and complete an internship.
- Check your resume with VMock.
- Live feeds of jobs/internships on Handshake career pathways page.
- Launch Your Career to access the Career Guides: Resume/Cover Letter, Job & Internship Search, Interviewing, Applying to Graduate School, Graduate Student Career Guide, and more.
- See the recording of a webinar from Handshake on how to attend a virtual career fair.
- Watch a YouTube video on creating a strong Linkedin Profile.
- Network with 菠菜网lol正规平台2 Mentoring and Meetups
- Make Quick Connections with alumni and industry professionals.
- Watch a LinkedIn video on networking with 菠菜网lol正规平台 Alumni.
- Learn what CoE student organizations and 菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Involvement are all about.
- Find the IBM Academic Initiative, LinkedIn Skills Tests, and LinkedIn Learning through one.菠菜网lol正规平台.
- Watch a past Silicon Valley Leaders Symposium (SVLS) talk on YouTube.
- Virtual Career Tips & Tools handout [pdf] (from Sept. 17, 2020)
- Spartan Engineer Success events (through ESSC) for students at all levels
- Spartan Success Series webinars from 菠菜网lol正规平台 Alumni
- Guide to Applying for Grad School [pdf]
- Clothing:
- Clothes Closet @ Office of Sustainability Mod F - make an appointment
- Spartan Career Closet @ 菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center - contact
- Take a virtual tour of the Career Closet
Need help with careerbuilding?
The Career Center has many resources available. Current undergraduate students can request Zoom or in-person appointments through Spartan Connect. (Select 'Career' as the 'Care Unit', and then Engineering students select ESSC as the location.)
Video: How to make an appointment with a Career Counselor
Recent alumni and graduate students can contact to schedule an appointment.
Schedule an appointment with a career counselor
CoE Events & Opportunities